You can view and download envelope and field data from any in process, completed, or canceled envelope that you sent or is shared with you. Recipients who are also full administrators on an account can view form data for any envelopes sent to them from another user on the account.
You download form data to a CSV file. The file contains rows for each field in the documents, with the envelope ID, the recipient name and email, and the field name and any entered value. The Recipient Signed column represents the date and time when the recipient finished signing.
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How to check document status?Use the Manage tab in eSignature to check document status. Check the status using the Search Envelopes feature, which is located in the upper right-hand corner.To learn more, see document status>.How do I download or print a document?View documents directly in eSignature or you can download the PDF file for viewing, sharing, and printing.
Note: When you download or print a PDF from eSignature, it presents the current state of your document. Only completed documents show the signing information.What reports are available?eSignature's reporting provides an easy way for users and account administrators to see information about their account. Reports are available from the Reports section in eSignature.To learn more, see Using Reports>.
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Note: Any data entered in the text field will be replaced with asterisks. The data will be concealed in the signing session and on the in-process and completed PDFs. The sender can view or download the form data for the envelope to reveal the hidden data.
In April 2020, for instance, DocuSign released a statement on its website warning consumers of a new phishing campaign. The phishing email claims to come from "DocuSign Electronic Signature" and uses the email address of The subject line is usually a variant of "You received invoice from DocuSign Electronic Signature Service."
4. Watch for misspellings. Scammers often send their phishing attacks from emails that are close to but not exactly the same as those used by legitimate companies. For instance, instead of coming from email addresses ending in, they might come from ones ending with or 2ff7e9595c