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ONLINE BOOK The Little Book Of Big Leverage: Unlock the Potential of Your Mind, Money, and Time

Parchelle Tashi is an award winning creative entrepreneur, popular podcast host, and creator of The Author's Leverage where #author's can find the support and quality help they need to turn #content from their #books into #online #courses.

Parchelle is also an education design architect and video producer with a Master's in Curriculum & Instruction from Virginia Tech. Her journey to working with authors on their book content is an interesting one - there were a lot of winding paths she had to follow to get to the place that "lit me up", as she says.

ONLINE BOOK The Little Book Of Big Leverage

She lives and works in San Diego (I am meeting a lot of people from CA lately - I wonder why that is?) where she spends her time brainstorming ways to help other creatives get more bang for their books. I love that - more bang for their books. Plus, when you work with her, you fly to San Diego to do so.

In the end, it's was her combined expertise in production, education, and business growth - and not a few role models, including her parents - that allowed her to bring all of her talents together to help authors create more value from their books.

An online course based on your book, working with her, will save you time and frustration. Really, do you know how to create an online course? You could learn on your own, perhaps, but why, when Parchelle is here to do the heavy lifting? If you've ever tried to do the video production, the copywriting, and the creative for a course online, you know whereof I speak.

Yes, it's become her heart's desire - she lit up when she first started doing it, she tells us - but in the end, if it serves a bigger purpose, helping others achieve success (for instance, the content used from an author's book to make the courses provide value beyond the product she produces, they give people who take the course education and training to become better people, also), that makes it so much more worthwhile.

Now the question is, could fiction authors use Parchelle's services, too? How would you turn your fiction book into courses for readers to take? I see it working when the book is written not merely to entertain us with a pretty story but to share a message, create community, and get people talking.

If you're a fiction author and you want your novel to have a bigger impact than merely a beach read or a book by the fire; if you have a message to share, something that can be long-lasting, perhaps a conversation with Parchelle is in order.

Hop over to Nurturing Big Ideas today and download our Book as Business Card Ebook. It will get you started on your book. And, possibly working with Parchelle to create that passive income in online courses.

You can easily self-publish on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, or even create an ebook that you sell on your website. If you already have an audience, self-publishing is a direct way to get your book to the people who will be interested in reading it.

Publishers are interested in finding writers with existing audiences because those writers will already have followers who want to read their books, not necessarily because they know how to write like Hemingway.

Your editor at a traditional publishing house also might ask you to make changes or write additional sections to make the book more complete. This is an important part of the publishing process because it helps ensure that you provide the best possible book for your audience.

Whether you self-publish or traditionally publish, it will cost money to publish a book. Traditional publishing costs typically will be less than self-publishing costs. While your total expenses will vary, be prepared to spend anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Susan Daffron is a content marketer for a huge technology company and the author of the Alpine Grove Romantic Comedies, a series of novels that feature residents of the small town of Alpine Grove and their various quirky dogs and cats. She is also an award-winning author of many nonfiction books, including several about pets and animal rescue. You can read more about her at

Yes, but do people sit down and read them all in sequence? A book engages you more than a blog post. For example, I recently read the book Made to Stick by the Heath brothers (which is fantastic, by the way).

I love reading books, and have been reading them since I was a kid. One of my dreams back when I was in elementary school was to write my own book about knights and dragons. But I was still a little kid, so I wrote those stories, handwritten on notebooks. Finished seven of them, actually. None published. Those notebooks have probably been turned into recycled paper by now.

Those books over the years have brought speaking engagements and consulting assignments where people tell me to come teach this stuff to their team but not a lot of customers. NO B.S. books (filled with Think and Grow Rich type of stories) do the opposite. I hardly ever get a speaking inquiry because of them, but we get customers.

This is hands down my favorite book and I believe anyone who has reached the level of being a guru to an audience would be served well to study how Dan opens himself up to his crowd in this book, going so far to talk about the time he was on the edge of committing suicide.

I am so glad I looked at the attachment to this tweet! I write a regular magazine column, facebook page with 7000 fans in 5 months and a blog but the thought of a book is so massive to me, know now that I am not alone !Perhaps I will put pen to paper sooner than I thought.Thank you Susan

Amazon is one of the highest authority sites online. I have incoming links from,, Powells and dozens of other large book sites. My offline books help my online findability in a huge way and have led to publicity and business opportunities that I never EVER got when I just sold ebooks way back when.

With true self-publishing (i.e., not through a subsidy press), YOU set up your own publishing company, which means you purchase a block of ISBNs from Bowker and you are responsible for getting the manuscript edited and turned into a book. The goal is to make it look as good as books coming out of traditional publishing houses. I talk about all this in many articles on my Web site at (check the Publishing Options and Self-Publishing, categories).

The fourth annual Self Publishers Online Conference will be May 8-10, 2012. You can read more about the event at Past speakers have included Dan Poynter, Mark Victor Hansen, Rick Frishman and dozens of other book publishing and marketing experts.

And while each of these platforms can be amazing in their own right and even more so when used holistically together, without a strong foundation (i.e. a great book that has been edited and proofread, a strong book description, right pricing for your category or genre, a professional-looking book cover that fits in your genre, etc.), no amount of advertising can sell a poor quality book.

Facebook ads can be extremely powerful in many scenarios; whether you use them in all these scenarios or just one or two will depend on your ultimate goals and your strategy for building a career as an author.

I started by purely running ads for Book 1 of a series; I learnt the ropes, so to speak, got my head around the Facebook ads interface, started testing different audiences and discovered some that completely flopped and others that worked like gangbusters!

I also tested a variety of different ad creative (i.e., the ads that people see on their Facebook News Feed), and once again, I found some images resonated more with my target audience better than other images did; the same was true with the text I used in the ads.

The Amazon algorithm for one has become much harder to crack; in order to tickle the algorithm enough for Amazon to start promoting your book for you, you first need to generate some sales. If you have a big email list, great! This is one way to sell books.

At the Campaign level, you are setting your Campaign Objective: what you want your Facebook ad to do for you. At the time of writing, there are 11 Campaign Objectives to choose from. The one that I recommend you choose is Traffic. This will let Facebook know that you want them to send as much traffic (i.e., people who click on your Facebook ad) to your Amazon book product page (or wherever you want to send them).

Put simply, with the Traffic objective selected, Facebook will find people within your target audience who have a strong history of clicking on Facebook ads, as they are highly likely to click on your Facebook ad too!

You also decide at the Ad Set level where you want your Facebook Ads to appear within the Facebook ecosystem. As I mentioned a little earlier, you will find that most of the action takes place on the Facebook News Feed. However, I have found that giving Facebook free rein on where it decides to show my ads delivers better and cheaper results.

You can include up to 50 individual Ads within a single Ad Set, however, I recommend keeping the number of Ads in an Ad Set to 3 or 4. The more Ads you have in an Ad Set, the more budget you will need as there are more variables for Facebook to test. With 3 or 4 Ads in an Ad Set, Facebook will be able to find a winner (i.e. the Ad that resonates most with an audience and generates the most clicks for the lowest cost) relatively quickly.

Starting at the top of the ad, the Primary Text is the text that sits above the Media (typically, an image or video). There really is no right or wrong way to use your Primary Text; you just need to test different angles, different approaches and structures and see which option performs best for your books.

Another option for your Primary Text is to use a short passage from your book, word for word, as this gives readers a taste of your writing style or the story. After this short passage, end your Primary Text with a call-to-action and a link where readers can purchase a copy of your book. This approach can work exceptionally well when you choose a passage that leaves the reader wanting to know more. 2ff7e9595c

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